When: Tuesday, 4 June, 14.00-16.00 CET 

Register Here for free: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSd-nsxNGVXU97tr2NYkGFkWNV9bslKMJPaAyQJ41iXCicIaQQ/viewform?fbclid=IwZXh0bgNhZW0CMTAAAR2pGAov_xrBTn_8KMYKVaTIvvYMO-vcTbZeSnHWI9VP8pUwjkSlXckYN6M_aem_AbUkE-KvcA6Y2OyBE44M7n3iJ7e228jDCOpBvTjlqJPPlAVnA1cYkLzyk2WZRFFmCZBEhByfGIL2YHwgAFosBt9B


Habitat Norway, UN-Habitat, UCLG and VibeLab are collaborating to promote the sharing of knowledge and learning between cities, civil society and other actors from around the world. The aim is to facilitate a peer review process in line with the UN Guidelines on Safer Cities. The process will identify and engage cities that already have established city safety policies and programmes to consolidate knowledge of what has worked, advance mutual learning, as well as draw on innovations to promote the integrated solutions envisioned in the 2030 Agenda and the NUA. 

The outcome of the process is planned to be presented at the next session of the World Urban Forum in Cairo, Egypt in November 2024.

Inclusive governance and the role of civil society for safer cities

In this third Safer Cities webinar we tune our attention to the role of civil society organisations (CSOs) and their important efforts to implement activities, programmes and practices in urban communities that promote safer cities.

We know that the role of CSOs in providing and fostering co-creation practices and services has expanded beyond just advocacy in cities. While some support basic services and critical social infrastructure that is not always met by local governments, others play a key role in building sustainable social, ecological, economic, and cultural practices.

At the same time, improving safer urban environments depends not only on what urban governments fund and regulate, but also on how they practically enable, encourage and support the efforts of local citizen groups, NGOs, as well as the private and non-profit sectors.